The therapeutic alliance is one of the most important ingredients in having a successful therapeutic experience, and at the root of that is: How safe do you feel?
Many of my clients did not grow up in homes where they felt safe to be themselves. In therapy, we are looking to create an alternative to this.
That’s why in the therapeutic container I create with my clients, I prioritize consent-seeking, acceptance, warmth and agility in order to help you access nervous system safety. When you can access that sense of safety, everything flows from there and the healing process can more readily unfold.
My goal is to help you feel supported, held, and encouraged as you take meaningful risks, explore new inner terrain, and ultimately come into your authentic self.
You may access more freedom, authenticity and less inner friction when you access inner safety, and this therapeutic container offers you the platform to develop that safety (maybe for the first time in your life).
Do you ever struggle with anxiety, physical discomfort, un-groundedness, confusion, numbing out, disorientation, or lack of self-confidence?
If so, these may be signs that you’re disembodied.
Embodiment is a way of being that aligns all the parts of your mind, body and spirit. In today’s society, there is a predominant focus on the mind and thoughts as a way to be in the world. While there is nothing wrong with the mind, it’s only one aspect of our experience, and a part that’s often not in the present.
Embodiment is all about living life informed through the sense experience of the body, and listening to the wisdom of the body.
The body is in the now, and it has access to a tremendous amount of wisdom and can speak for itself. Because of this it can be more reliable than the information we get from the mind.
Focusing on strengthening your embodiment can support you with
Working holistically means that all the parts of you - mind, body, spirit and community - are seen and understood. Often people come to see me who have been trying to heal but are not able to connect all the dots in their lives because of too narrow a focus.
A holistic approach can lead to
“....create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait their patiently until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greate it. Only then will you know how to give to give yourself to this world so worthy of your rescue”
-Martha Postelwait
There’s a uniqueness to each person, so I want to honor that in my treatment approach in order to support you with your goals. I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach.
Each person I work with receives a completely unique approach with different techniques that align with their needs and goals. I also rely on intuition for how I engage. I have many tools at my disposal, and they are brought in and out depending on what is most needed in the moment.
In providing this custom approach, I want to help you bring your unique gifts to the world.
Defined by the American Dance Therapy Association
as “the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process which furthers the
emotional, cognitive, physical, and social integration of the individual. Body movement simultaneously provides the means of
assessment and the mode of intervention.
Practices to help you to stay in the moment of your current experience
Practices that use the information from the body to understand and integrate our experiences
Therapy that focuses on changing behavior and thoughts to change the way that you feel
Focusing on changing ways of relating to help improve relationships and mood.
Judicious use of medications and supplements to complete therapy.
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